Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

UMR IATE / UMR STLO / Régilait

Participants : Patrice Buche, Jérôme Fortin, Alain Gutierrez.

In the framework of a contract between INRA IATE and STLO (Rennes) research units and Régilait, two master students have been recruited in 2016. Marine Damblon, food engineer from Polytech Montpellier, has created a knowledge base which represents the causal links between a food descriptor (mouillabilité des poudres de lait) and actions which can be undertaken by operators to control food quality on the line. Justine Flore Tchouanguem participated to the development of the new CoGui-Capex version presented in section 5.4. CoGui-Capex prototype has been successfully evaluated by Régilait and is considered to be used in production conditions in its milk powder factory in Macon. Marine Damblon has been recruited by Régilait for that. This collaboration will be extended in 2017 and a new master student should be recruited.